In the sixty-seventh volume of ENGINEERING we described and illustrated many of the important works on the Great Central Rail way extension to London … we now return to the subject, principally to deal with the splendid joint station at Nottingham, the convenience of which has now been established by its use for some time by the two owning companies - the Great Central and the Great Northern.
This station is certainly the most important piece of work on the northern section of the line of which Mr. Edward Parry, M:. Inst. C.E., is engineer. In this and other work he has been assisted by Mr. Frederick W. Bidder, M. Inst. C. E., who has had charge of the details of the constructional work, while Mr. A. E. Lambert has been responsible for the architectural details.
Mr. A. A. Barker has been resident engineer on the Nottingham works. The station, as we have stated, is the joint property of the Great Central and Great Northern Railway Companies the latter using the permanent way of the former for some distance south, as well as north of the station, and in this way obviating a long detour on the route from Grantham to Derby and the Midlands. . The site of the station is very, and the plan is admirably arranged alike for dealing with a large volume of traffic and for the convenience of passengers. A plan is given on page 678 (Fig. 1) from which it will be seen that the station lies between two tunnels, known as the Victoria-street and Mansfield-road tunnels. The length between the tunnel faces is 650 yards.