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GNR 1868 Goods engine

  • This early engine shows the distinctive style brought by P. Stirling from the G&SWR.


    These engines were constructed by Messrs. John Fowler and Co., at their works, Leeds, from the design of P. Stirling, Esq., of Doncaster, engineer to the company. The cylinders are 17in. diameter, with a. stroke of 24in. The six coupled wheels are 5ft. lin. diameter. The total wheel base of the engine is 15ft. 6in. The boiler and fire-box casing are made of the best Yorkshire plates, 1/2in . thick. The barrel of the boiler is telescopic, 10 feet long by 4ft. 0 1/2in. diameter at the largest part. The longitudinal joints are double rivetted. The working pressure is 130lb. The boiler contains 206 brass tubes, 1 3/4in. diameter outside, placed in vertical rows 2 1/2 in. centre to centre.The boiler is fed by two No. 10 injectors through copper pipes and. bruss valve boxes. The heating surface in fire-box is 94 1/4ft., and in tubes 985 1/2ft., total heatiog surface 1079 3/4 superficial feet.

    The frames are each formed out of .one plate 1 1/4in. thick, and are placed 4ft. 1 1/2 in. apart A cast iron trailing plate is bolted between the frames at the trailing end to give addttional weight to the trailing wheels. The axle boxes are of brass, and the horn blocks steel, having cast steel adjusting wedges. The springs are of the best hammered spring steel, the trailing springs consist of six volute springs, placed in two wrought iron troughs, the upper one being secured to the frames, and the lower one resting on the axle boxes. .A cab to protect the enginemen from the Weather is placed over the foot-plate, having plate glass sliding windows at sides and ends. The total weight of engine in working trim is 32 tons 11 cwt. The tender holds 2000 gallons of water, and is carried on six wheels, 3ft. 7in. diameter.




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