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GWR 1868 Much Wenlock Station

  • "PASSENGER STATIONS FOR COUNTRY TOWNS". - from "The Engineer" 1868

    "The illustration ... of Much Wenlock passenger  booking office, waiting rooms, and station-master's residence combined, is a good example. of a suitable building of the class and has been recently completed on the Much Wenlock branch of the Great Western Railway, Shropshire, the contractors for which are Messrs. Brassey and Field.


    The building was desgned by Mr. J. Fogerty, M. Inst. C. E., of 1, Westminster Chambers who has had charge of the works of the tlne line to which .Mr. . John Fowler is engineer-in-chief."


  • GWR 1868 Much Wenlock Station  (Size:1.21MB) Download